Positive Psychology & Emotional Intelligence in the workplace

    1. Welcome!!!

    2. Introduction

    3. What you will learn in this course?

    4. It all starts with YOU!!!

    5. What is Positive Psychology?

    6. Positive Psychology in the Workplace Video

    7. Positive Psychology in the workplace quiz

    8. The 5 Key Concepts of Positive Psychology

    9. The 3 types of Happiness

    10. P.E.R.M.A.

    11. Strength & Virtue, Grit, Gratitude

    12. What is Emotional Intelligence?

    13. Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace Video

    14. Emotional intelligence in the workplace quiz

    15. Why is Positive psychology & EQ important in the workplace?

    16. Did you know?

    17. Signs of LOW Positive Psychology & EQ in the Workplace.

    18. How to IMPROVE EQ & Positive Psychology in the workplace for yourself

    19. How to IMPROVE EQ & Positive Psychology in the workplace for your team

    20. Why should we improve EQ & Positive Psychology in the workplace?

    21. How to keep positive psychology & EQ in the workplace FUN!

    22. When you improve your team's eq & positive psychology

  • Free
  • 22 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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